I've been doing this since 2019 so here I am, back again with five brand new theme park enthusiast resolutions for. brand new theme park season. As always I'll begin with a retrospective look at my 2021 resolutions, how they went, or more accurately how badly COVID skewered my ability to keep them nearly as closely as I might have liked to.
Stay On Resort More
I simply do not stay on Resort one single time during 2021, not even for a staycation. So that's a big fat fail right off the bat. Don't blame me, blame the virus!
Meet More Enthusiasts
Hmm, tricky one this. I do feel like I've branched out a little and certainly spent some time chatting to more people in 2021 than I had in previous years. I went to a CoasterForce meet up for the first time in forever and have rekindled my relationship with the forum side of things in the latter part of the year so there's certainly that aspect of it too. Feel like I'd like to continue working on this one into 2022 though.
Make Good Use Of My Platform
I have sucked at this, but I blame the algorithm! I'm not sure why, because I do actively try to engage as much as I can, but for some reason my feeds seem to do everything but show me content from people I actually know and what to support. I'm going to try harder on this one in 2022 for sure, there's definitely room for improvement here.
Support Local Events
This is definitely a big tick for me. Between ParkVibes, Mardi Gras, Wilderfest, Oktoberfest and a whole two weeks in October visiting a bunch of home grown spooky attractions, I had an absolute hoot in 2021 visiting places in the UK over and over again checking out their event offerings. It's been so fun and I hope to make time to continue doing this in 2022 again.
Get Out Of My Comfort Zone
Another big tick. I have ridden SO MANY DROP TOWERS I can actually feel myself building up a tolerance. Which is...kind of the opposite of why I wanted to start riding more of them but the fear isn't 100% neutralised just yet. We'll see how I fare riding that abomination on iDrive in May...
So not a terrible crack at 2021 but let's see what 2022 brings. On with the list!
I feel like I had a LOT of park days in 2021, especially given the circumstances. In 2020 I wanted to make more of an effort to support UK parks but now because of the pandemic I seem to have fallen into this trap of ONLY visiting UK parks, the heartbreaking cycling of booking and cancelling trips over and over again got too much for me so I decided to play it safe and visit places I knew I'd be able to get to for a certainty.
Due to a combo of budget and annual leave restrictions, this year I want to take a 'fewer, bigger, better' approach. Fewer days on-park overall, but with an improved quality, with bigger and better attractions. Don't get me wrong, I've loved spending time at some smaller attractions this year but at this point I've had my fill and I'm ready to play with the big boys again!
Because I got a little bored vlogging the same parks over and over again I did let YouTube slip a little bit in 2022, but I did start tinkering with Reels on Instagram and absolutely loved it. I want to make a concerted effort this year to take more video content and create more vlogs and Reels of my adventures. For me this kind of thing is about finding the balance between having fun in the park and having time to take photos and vlog. There's a real knack to it, otherwise you find yourself missing out on one or the other!
And the exact opposite of the above - I'd like to try and have more theme park days where I'm not constantly switched on from a content creation perspective. Likelihood is these days will be spent locally at parks I've been to a thousand times and have tons of content from already, but it is nice to have a break. I made an active choice not to vlog my November trip to Disneyland Paris (OK mainly because I thought I'd be back just a few months later but that's by the by) and I had a fab time with no regrets. I need to put less pressure on myself essentially, especially as I've got a lot planned for this year so there's big potential to burn out.
Despite having loads planned for this year, the majority of it is revisiting parks I've been to before, just not in a long time. There won't be the pressure of heading to a park and running around trying to cram in all of the creds, so I'm making. promise to myself now that I'll dedicate time to riding the things I really enjoy in the limited time I'll have at these places, over riding kiddie crap just for the sake of a +1.
It recently became apparent to me that there are a whole bunch of ghost trains here in the UK that I have simply never ridden, because they're in locations that don't have a cred, therefore I've not been/heard of them. I want to spend a few weekends this summer exploring some of the UK coastline in search of ghost trains that may have previously eluded me until this point!
Who wants to take bets on how quickly I will immediately forget to do all of these things and fall back into my old habits? Can't wait for the 2022 season to begin!
What about you? Have you set yourself any theme park related goals or challenges this year? Did you set any last year and if so, how did you get on? Let me know in the comments, I'd love to have a chat!
Talk later xoxo,
I definitely need to do more youtube coaster stuff in 2022