Note to self: don’t buy any Lush stuff over Christmas until after December 25th. Am I a little late to the party or did Lush just do a really good job of hiding the fact that they have an epic Christmas sale! 50% off all of their amazing Christmas stuff, including the magical Snow Fairy shower gel that sends me into a candy floss bubble gum induced coma every time I use it.

So I told myself I would spend a tenner, ignored my own advice and just started bunging stuff into my basket, got to the till and was told that my total was just over £9. £9?!! I couldn’t believe it! I purchased six bath bombs in total having previously treated myself to other festive Lush goodies in my ignorance of the sale, so a lot of the stuff that was now discounted is already sat on my bathroom shelf at home. Oh well, lessons learned. I picked up a sweet and glittery Lush Candy Mountain, two of the festively spicy Lush Cinders, a Lush Father Christmas which is like Snow Fairy in bath bomb form(!), Lush the Christmas Hedgehog that has a creamy buttery texture and a giant ridiculously sparkly Lush Holly Go Lightly that will annoy my boyfriend when he sees the fairy dust residue in the bottom of the tub once I’m done with it.

The best thing about bath bombs is that despite them having a somewhat festive appearance, once they’re fizzing away under the tap it really makes no difference what time of the year you use them, so next year be sure to save your pennies to buy all of the Lush stuff during the sale period!